Ash Trees in the Hudson Valley and Catskills

The ash tree population in the Catskills and Hudson Valley are significantly compromised by the emerald ash borer. If you think your ash trees may be effected or threatened by the EAB, contact Woodworks Tree Service to see if we can help and develop a plan of action.

“When an ash tree is attacked by EAB, the canopy begins to thin above infested portions of the trunk and major branches because the borer destroys the water and nutrient conducting tissues under the bark. Heavily infested trees exhibit canopy dieback, usually starting at the top of the tree. One-third to one-half of the branches may die in a year. Most of the canopy will be dead within two years after symptoms are first observed.” –

Woodworks Tree Service of the Hudson Valley has International Society of Arboriculture Certified staff and is a proud member of the Tree Care Industry Association. Industry rules and safety regulations are respected and followed.

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